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What Our Beneficiaries Teach Us

Discover how music enhances their well being and how they may inspire us

Who We Serve - FOTH

Liu Kam-ho, 74, said that the music therapy had cured her clinical depression triggered by her knee pain.


"I couldn't walk. I cried easily and I had attempted suicide.  But when I played music, I forgot my pain. Now I don't need to walk with a stick at home and my pain has mostly gone. I am much happier"

South China Morning Post news excerpts (16 Apr 2007)

Coverage by the South China Morning Post of HarpFest 2006's beneficiary: a two-year music therapy project at the Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service's center for the elderly in Shatin, which had almost completed its first year at the time (2007) - The project has since become a permanent service offering.

We Aim To Turn Their Experience Into Inspiration

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